
Patty Bushart

Sailing on Lake Texoma

What would an issue about diving into outdoor adventure be without a story from the aptly named Texas Lakes Trail Region? Among the many lakes in this 31-county region, one of the largest is Lake Texoma, fed by the Red…

Run your finger down the list of credits for a major restoration project or historic courthouse in Texas, and you won’t be surprised to spot a distinctive name belonging to three generations of Japanese-American builders: Komatsu. Easygoing and unassuming, Karl A. Komatsu, current leader of the family firm, has contributed to some of Texas’ most

For thousands of years, man has been compacting dirt, water and other materials into shapes used to construct shelters and buildings.Typical of arid regions where timber and stone are scarce, Native Americans used the mud composite for construction in desert…

The gentle cadence of steel wheels, the smell of creosote and the faint clanging of bells accompanied by a distant whistle have been part of the American fabric for years. The first commercially viable railroad to operate in Texas, the…

Its Sunday afternoon, and the final group arrives at the 18th hole. “quiet please!” signs are raised as the golfer steps up to putt. He raises the club back and strikes the ball, banking it off the right rail, over…

Staying cool in the blistering Texas heat would be tough were it not for that icy summer treat in a paper cup — the snow cone.The Industrial Revolution made ice readily available, but it took about 20 years for movie…

A visitor straddles the two-state dividing line

It isn’t the easternmost portal into the state of Texas, but it’s likely the best known owing to its conjunctive name and unique attractions.Straddling the Texas-Arkansas border along I-30, Texarkana boasts two mayors, two police forces and two fire departments;…

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