Did you realize Authentic Texas is owned by seven non-profits that promote heritage tourism in Texas? The Authentic Texas magazine was launched in the Spring of 2016 to support the work of and provide revenue to these seven partner organizations. In 2020 with five years of successfully publishing this quarterly heritage magazine, we were ready to branch into a related venture. Who could foresee a worldwide health catastrophe?
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Authentic Texas had a significant loss of revenue in 2020. And the losses continued through the first four months of 2021. As a result of how our business is structured – a for-profit owned by non-profits – Authentic Texas did not qualify for any COVID-19 financial assistance.
So, we’re trying something totally different to raise capital for Authentic Texas. We’ve launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign and we need your help!

Make a simple contribution.
On the Campaign page,
click the pink “Back It” button!

Make a donation of a certain amount
and select a “perk” associated with a
heritage tourism experience.

Select a “perk” for
advertising packages
with Authentic Texas
at once-in-a-lifetime rates.
And, you can share this “ask” with folks who might be interested in our venture.
Click Here to Take Action or For More Details – Thank you!