By Dan carpenter

Christine Nix, the Texas Rangers’ first African American female.

Tex Randall

At 47 feet in height and weighing seven tons, Tex Randall is the second-tallest cowboy icon in the Lone Star State (those of you who’ve…

Barkherhaus Kennels German Shepherd
Originally called El Valle Kennels and established in 1935, Barkerhaus Kennels is the oldest operational kennel in El Paso. Although the name implies a spin on the sound of a dog’s voice, Barkerhaus is actually named after founders Stephen and Frances Barker. Originally from Missouri, the Barkers moved to El Paso in 1929. Mr. Barker
Wyatt Hedrick
A need, a means, a concept, and someone to bring these factors together must be present for places to develop. One of these individuals who made development possible was Wyatt C. Hedrick, an architect-builder who transformed the skyline in Texas communities, especially Fort Worth, during the early twentieth century. Born in Virginia, he moved to
Cheering from Southern Bleacher Grandstands - Cottonbowl Stadium
Ever been to a football game at the Cotton Bowl? How about a NASCAR experience at Texas Motor Speedway? If so, you know just about everything you need to know about Southern Bleacher, located in Graham, the county seat of Young County about 60 miles south of Wichita Falls. Southern Bleacher Company, with roots dating
Caddo Mounds State Historic Site, Forest Trail Region
Being an “old school” writer, I keep a dictionary on my desk to help with spelling, or to define the meaning of unfamiliar words. Somewhere in a box is my Webster’s paperback edition from college that divided itself into multiple sections from wear and tear. My present Webster’s was gifted to my daughter upon her

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© 2024 Authentic Texas Magazine. All Rights Reserved. Authentic Texas is published by Texas Heritage Trails LLC which is owned and operated by five nonprofit heritage trail organizations.